Nerd Alert 77: DDJ FTW


What we're reading this week

  Adam: For five years now, OpenNews has been working to support folks working in journalism and technology. Take a few minutes to fill out this survey and help them plan their future. And (because who doesn’t love surveys?) here’s another survey from OpenNews fellow Sandhya Kambhampati on newsroom onboarding/offboarding processes.

  Ben: Brent Victor’s Web of Alexandria follow-up post talks about the dichotomy of the Internet: Is it permanent, like a library, or ephemeral, like letters? Even though we treat it like it’s permanent, many, many things pass away. And many things that should perhaps pass away do not.

  Gabe: A call to arms to put more thought in choosing your next typeface. Also, a great compendium of available web font resources.

  Jack: The future of journalism may be predicated on relationships with audiences, but if so how do you build them? An interesting report on “social journalism” published by the Tow-Knight Center says “share, find and connect.”

  Julia: An open-source brand redesign? Regarding Mozilla’s latest initiative, Fast Company asks: Creative commons or creative chaos?

  Inndy: Drone journalism gets an OK from the FAA.


Work we admire by our journalism peers

Our friends at NPR did some great data reporting on semi-automatic weapons and background checks, which David Eads followed up with some useful scraping techniques to help others do the same.


Our projects, manifest

Settling for Misconduct: The INN Nerds worked closely with data journalists from the Chicago Reporter to build a searchable database of Chicago's police misconduct lawsuits – lawsuits that have cost the city more than $210 million between 2012 and 2015. Explore the app and the rest of the series on


Good jobs with good people

INN is still accepting applications for a senior WordPress developer. Join our team!

ProPublica is looking for a senior editor with a knack for data-intensive storytelling.

You have until Sunday to apply to become Hearken's community manager.


We love you back

Please consider supporting this newsletter with a donation to INN.

Or if you'd rather contribute content over cash – be a guest contributor!
Read about that here and shoot us an email if you're interested. We'd love to hear from you.

Thanks much!


Gather ye rosebuds

COOK: Chicken Tikka Masala – the national dish of Britain?

LISTEN: New York fuzz-rock trio Jackal Onasis released their debut EP.

READ: The End of All Things, John Scalzi's collection of sci-fi novellas full of "thrilling adventure scenes, politics, snarky commentary and food for thought."

WATCH: An oldie but goodie, The Corgi Flop. This never gets old.


P.S. FWIW, DDJ FTW translates roughly to, "data-driven journalism, for the win."