December News Nerd Book Club Selection: Notes On The Synthesis Of Form

41po1bthfjl-_sx302_bo1204203200_First, a quick bit of housekeeping:

We've decided to make a change to the schedule for the News Nerd Book Club meetings and hold them every other month (instead of every month). They will still be on the second Wednesday of the month fromĀ 1 - 2 pm ET. We just felt that it would easier on everyone and also give us a little more flexibility in choosing longer books if we all had a little more time to read and prepare.

So, with that out of the way, the book we'll be discussing at our next meeting (on December 14) will be Christopher Alexander's Notes on the Synthesis of Form.

Here's a link for the video chat (using where you can join us on Dec. 14 at 1 ET.

Happy reading!