The News Nerd Book Club met in April, via hangout, to discuss Indi Young’s Practical Empathy. We were very happy the author was able to join us in our discussion and graciously answered our questions.
We discussed the need for practical empathy as a balance for the current focus on big data. Young offered an example: stakeholder interviews tend to be very directed in contrast to open-ended conversations focused on more on listening and developing empathy with your subject to help broaden the spectrum of ideas that come out of the conversation and creating space to explore more ideas off trail.
On an individual level she recommended adding a tiny bit of exploration about the thinking behind a request a colleague makes of you. Admitting you have a “gap in knowledge” can help uncover assumptions and intent.
Next Month
Our next hangout will be Wednesday, May 13th at 1 pm ET.
Take this quick survey by the end of the day this Thursday (April 16) and we'll announce the selection on Friday. You can also have a look at our reading list and add titles you would like us to consider for future meetings.
Follow @newsnerdbooks for the announcement of next month's book this Friday and for details on the hangout. Hope to see you there!