Nerd Alert 71: Exciting email praises partner newsroom nerds, jobs juxtaposed


What we're reading this week

  Adam: Indi Young argues that we should remove age, gender and ethnicity from personas because those things don’t necessarily cause behavior but they do introduce assumptions. “To actually bring a description to life, to actually develop empathy, you need the deeper, underlying reasoning behind the preferences and statements-of-fact. You need the reasoning, reactions, and guiding principles.”

  Ben: Flickr released a tool for creating justified layouts of blocks, which could be very useful if you’re creating photo galleries.

  Jack: God save the Queen, and the BBC. With classic British flare, Lord Patten discourses on the future of the BBC as part of a “a shared sense of mutual responsibility.” A wonderful read that applies more broadly to nonprofit news orgs everywhere.

  Julia: Vox’s product team published a great collection of accessibility guidelines to help put their guiding principles into practice.

  Ryan: Open data helped Ben Wellington determine the NYPD systematically ticketed legally parked cars, resulting in more than $1.7 million in fines. He goes on to describe how his discovery helped change the NYPD’s ticketing practices.

  Sinduja: The podcast industry is growing, young  and experimenting with new revenue models, but Apple hasn’t caught up with them yet.

  Inndy: I'm getting dizzy just watching this asymmetrical flying machine.


Work we admire by our journalism peers

A screenshot of an embedded widget yb The Next To Die, showing that Charles Don Flores is scheduled to be executed by the state of Texas in 20 days, 8 hours and 5 minutes

If you're doing criminal justice reporting, The Next to Die offers a widget for keeping track of death row in your state.

IRE lanzó un base de datos de consejos en Español.

ICIJ made the Offshore Leaks database available as a torrent.

Quartz is opening up their Atlas charting platform to individuals and organizations.


Good jobs with good people

From WBEZ in Chicago, a position for a media archivist with experience in audio.

Research associates are sought by New America and the Pew Research Center.

Technical writers are encouraged to apply at the Coral Project.

Propublica is hiring a senior editor for audience and engagement.

The Marshall Project seeks a social media editor.

NPR desires a digital editor.


Gather ye rosebuds

LISTEN: Dropping a screw into a turbine compressor and the inevitable remix.

WATCH: Losing a ship anchor. (LOUD)

EAT: 20 ways to start a melts-vs-grilled-cheese flamewar.

Flames? Brains?

Ghostly white tendrils flicker across a black background, appearing similar to a plasma globe, a cross-section of the brain, or NASA's experiments with fire in microgravity.

 An MRI of a cockscomb flower.