We hope you'll join us for our next News Nerd Book Club hangout on Wednesday, September 14th at 1pm ET.
This month we'll be reading Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford, and Joshua Green.
From the book overview at NYU Press:
Spreadable Media maps fundamental changes taking place in our contemporary media environment, a space where corporations no longer tightly control media distribution and many of us are directly involved in the circulation of content. It contrasts “stickiness”—aggregating attention in centralized places—with “spreadability”—dispersing content widely through both formal and informal networks, some approved, many unauthorized. Stickiness has been the measure of success in the broadcast era (and has been carried over to the online world), but “spreadability” describes the ways content travels through social media.
Here's the event invitation and ZOOM video chat link if you'd like to join us.
Hope to see you on September 14th. Happy reading!