Nerd Alert 107: 1 Month Down, 11 to Go


What we're reading this week

 Adam: Chicago Magazine has an excellent feature on oboist Alex Klein’s dramatic comeback from focal dystonia. To get a sense of his artistry, make sure to check out his 2001 recording of the Strauss Oboe Concerto. One of the very best.

 Ben: Microsoft’s emotions API can be fed images from video, so why not use that to determine the emotional content of inaugural addresses? Periscopic’s analysis is pretty impressive.

 Gabe: Illustrator Christoph Niemann’s Sunday Sketching is a thoughtful reflection on the creative process that hits close to home.

 Julia: This overview of animation in design systems contains useful guidelines to help you create pleasant – and performant – user experiences.

 Kay: Are people allowed to just take your time? Jason Fried shares an alternative.

 RC: The Knight Foundation has released a review of what they’ve learned about podcasting from their investments in the space.

 Inndy: Meet my newest autonomous friend, Bat Bot!


Work we admire by our journalism peers

Shout out to all the news organizations tracking staffing choices for the Trump administration. Take a look at a few of the big ones and read the Same Diff column on Source for a detailed comparison of the coverage.


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Good jobs with good people

INN is hiring a Grant Officer & Writer.

The Tor Project is hiring a Communications Director.

The Texas Tribune is hiring a software engineer.

ProPublica is hiring a web producer, a product developer and a number of other positions.

KPCC is hiring an audience insights and development manager.

The American Press Institute is hiring a reader revenue program manager.

The Pew Research Center is hiring a research analyst on its journalism and media research team.

The Trust Project is hiring a project manager.

The UK Local Data Lab is hiring its first two team members.

The Internet Archive is hiring for a number of positions, including a head of digitization.

If you're looking for general jobs in nonprofit news, the main INN newsletter had more than 16 job openings this week. Check it out and sign up here to get it in your inbox every Tuesday. Two INN newsletters are better than one!


Gather ye rosebuds

LISTEN: Lila Downs: Story-teller, tremendous voice, and Grammy winner (NBD). ?

WATCH: The magical, interrupting, bird of paradise.

EAT: All of the dips.

DRINK: Have your drink and eat it too.
