Updating to Largo 0.6.1

You've read the benefits of Largo 0.6.1, and want to upgrade. We've tried to make the process as simple as possible.

Now is a good time to upgrade to WordPress 5.0, and to decide whether you want to enable the Gutenberg editor on your site. We have a post full of what you'll need to consider, and instructions for testing Gutenberg in our updated December 6 post: WordPress 5.0 and your news organization.

Whether or not you choose to update to WordPress 5.0, you should update your WordPress to the latest version in its release branch. Sites using 4.9, you should be on 4.9.9 already. And please, update your plugins.

If you're running Largo as your site's theme, your update process will be:

If you're running Largo as a parent theme for your site's child theme, as many sites do, you should:

If that sounds like a lot of things to check, we're happy to help you get updated. Send us an email at support@inn.org and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Note: The INN Labs team will be on break from December 21, 2018 to January 2, 2019. We'll be checking our inboxes for emergency support tickets, but may not get to other items until after New Year's Day.