Announcing The January News Nerd Book Club Selection: Two Books Apart

We have decided to skip our December meeting and instead do a two-fer in January. Join us for our next News Nerd Book Club hangout on Wednesday, January 13th at 1 pm ET.

For our January gathering we'll be reading not one, but two new books recently released by A Book Apart: Responsive Design: Patterns and Principles by Ethan Marcotte and Going Responsive by Karen McGrane.

A bit on Going Responsive from the A Book Apart website:

Responsive design is more than the technical; it’s a new way of communicating and working that affects every person on your team. Karen McGrane draws on data and stories from real-world teams to show you why going responsive is just good business sense—and how to set up your project (from concept to launch) for total success. Learn how to plan and scope work, collaborate in a responsive context, evaluate content, handle browser support and testing, and measure performance outcomes. No matter your role or project, go responsive with confidence.

And on Responsive Design: Patterns and Principles:

As responsive design evolves, we have a critical need to think about design challenges beyond mobile, tablet, and desktop. When properly designed and planned, design patterns—small, reusable modules—help your responsive layout reach more devices (and people) than ever before. Ethan Marcotte shows you just how that’s done, focusing on responsive navigation systems, resizing and adapting images, managing advertising in a responsive context, and broader principles for designing more flexible, device-independent layouts.

Here's the event invitation and hangout link if you'd like to RSVP.

Hope to see you on January 13th. Happy reading!

A Simple Tool To Create Responsive Tables Directly In Your Browser

Note: This tool is not maintained, and has been deprecated since February 2018. It does not handle Google's API limits. 

This note was added December 4, 2018.

We released a responsive table creation command-line tool last month. After installation, it took a Google spreadsheet and some configuration in a JSON file, and returned a collection of files to be uploaded to your webserver and embedded on your page. Sounds complicated, right?

Today we're launching a responsive table creation webapp. Feed it the URL of a Google spreadsheet and it will help you create a collection of files that need to be uploaded to your webserver and embedded on your page.

The difference between today's responsive table tool and last month's is that this one runs in your browser. It offers you a convenient user-friendly interface. It lets you preview what your table will look like. And, most importantly, the tool doesn't require you to install anything on your computer for it to work.

Give it a try!

How the webapp works

Once you've set up a spreadsheet in Google Drive, paste its URL into the URL field of the webapp. The page parses the URL to extract the spreadsheet key (44 characters of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and dashes), then feeds the key to Tabletop.js, which parses the spreadsheet. Tabletop.js and jQuery combine to render a list of columns in the webapp, allowing users to give each column a display name. Users can also add their Google Analytics ID to be included in the download.

The preview uses the same Tabletop.js + Tablesaw combination that the downloadable files use, but it gets the spreadsheet key and the column definition from URL parameters.

Other notes

The webapp doesn't change the actual responsive table code generated by the original app. The table breakpoint is still set to 60em/960px, and works best for tables with 5-7 columns.

You can see an example of a table rendered with our rig here:

And an example of that same table embedded via iframe:

View the code in the INN/responsive-tables repository on GitHub (bug reports and pull requests welcome!):

Responsive Tables

A few weeks back, I spent time researching how best to build responsive tables.

Our requirements were pretty simple. We wanted the ability to load data from Google Drive, the ability to embed the tables using an iframe and a dead simple way of handling (re)publication.

Of course, the other essential requirement for responsive tables is that they work well on a variety of devices. In my opinion, the best solutions to this problem transform your table into an easily scrollable list of data on smaller devices.

To handle the transformation of the table on smaller screens, I started by using jQuery DataTables and writing my own code, but came across Tablesaw.js, which already solved the problem.

For the other requirements, I settled on Tabletop.js to handle loading the data, Pym.js for embedding via iframe and a tiny render script, written in Python, to make generating a ready-to-deploy responsive table quick and easy.

How it works

Once you’ve set up a spreadsheet in Google Drive and grabbed the spreadsheet’s public key (described in the Tabletop.js documentation), clone the responsive-tables repository.

First, you’ll want to install requirements, optionally creating a virtualenv:

$ mkvirtualenv tables
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you’re not familiar with Python, pip and virtualenv, read more about them here.


Next, you’ll create a config file for your table. You can get started by copying the example:

$ cp config-example.json config.json

Edit config.json, filling in each of the blanks with your information.

The ua_code field is your Google Analytics UA code in the format “UA-XXXXXXXX-X”. If you leave it blank or remove it, Google Analytics will be disabled.

The columns field determines which parts of the data from Google Drive should be included in the table. The data structure defining the columns is an array of arrays. Each array within the array represents a column and contains two items.

The first is the column identifier. This is the lowercase column title stripped of punctuation. For example, if your column title is “Must be 501(c)(3)?” your column identifier would be “mustbe501c3.”

The second is how you’d like the column title to appear in your rendered table. You can stick with the title you used in Google Drive or change it entirely. For example, you could use “Must be 501(c)(3)?” or instead choose “Need 501(c)(3).”

The config.json file for the example looks like:

  "ua_code": "UA-20502211-1",
  "title": "Discounts for nonprofits",
  "key": "10yccwbMYeIHdcRQazaNOaHSkpoSa1SUJEtWBfWPsgx0",
  "columns": [
    ["service", "Service"],
    ["whatisit", "What is it?"],
    ["whatsthediscount", "What's the discount?"],
    ["mustbe501c3", "Must be 501(c)(3)?"],
    ["moreinfo", "More info"]

Rendering your table

Once you’ve created a config file, you can render the table by running:

$ ./

This will create a build directory adjacent to and populate it with all of the files required to deploy the table. Note that if a build directory exists, anything within it will be deleted when calling

Once that’s finished, upload the contents of the build directory to your host of choice.

Other notes

The table’s breakpoint is set to 60em (or 960px). There is currently no simple way to change this value, which is why the README states this rig is best suited for tables with 5-7 columns. We may work out a simple way to adjust this in the future.

Also note, the file assets/responsiveTable.js contains some code that identifies long urls in your table’s data, converts them to actual anchor tags and uses css to truncate their text to avoid ruining the table’s lovely responsiveness. You can adjust the width at which the text is truncated in style.css:

#data a.ellipsis-link {
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: 180px; /* adjust the width of truncated urls */
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

You can see an example of a table rendered with our rig here:

And an example of that same table embedded via iframe:

View and fork the code here: