Nerd Alert 49: Building Better Workplaces


Can we get another helping of links, please? Thanks.

Pass the green beans, too.


What we're reading this week

  Adam: When building a new team, project or company it’s important to  stop and think about what the end goal really is. Many incentives are aligned with growing as big as possible (often as quickly as possible), but is that really the best way?

  Ben: Do you want to make your sites more accessible in a quick and easy way? Here's an intro to ARIA’s accessibility role landmarks.

  David: Each of us take our own path. Comparisons are the worst. Meet my lovely neighbors (including quadrupeds).

  Jack: If we had a chance to re-think news 20 years ago, what might we have done differently? Let’s travel back in time.

  Kaeti: Ideas from Forge Conference on how to build a better, more humane workplace.

  Ryan: Fordite isn't really 'real,' but it's really cool.

  Bert: Beep beep. ☹


Work we admire by our journalism peers

A screenshot of DocumentCloud's responsive embed comparison tool.

Document Cloud embeds are now responsive! Play with all the options.


Gather ye rosebuds

LISTEN: The cast of Hamilton celebrate "A Chorus Line."

COOK: We like pie. You like pie. How about some tamale pie?

GIF: One! Two! Three!

A mixed group of young men and women - the men in black shirts, red neckties, and black pants; the women in red dresses with black trim - circle up and stack their hands midair in the center of the circle. They pump the stack of hands once, and then raise them. If you could hear it, it would probably be accompanied by a shout of 'Go Team!'

March Book Club Recap: The Design Of Everyday Things

For the March Book Club we read The Design of Everyday Things and gathered for pie and ice cream* at NICAR on Thursday, March 5th.

Nelson’s book was first published more than 25 years ago, with new editions and updates. The book’s ideas continue to resonate with readers and designers.

Our discussion included observations and links to other work and resources, including:

  • The value of applying industrial design philosophy to other areas.
  • Giving yourself some grace in response to frustration -- it might just be bad design.
  • UX faces larger and more complex challenges than designing a single use object.
  • The opportunity for organizations to identify the needs of their community and build accordingly.
  • How do responsive and native apps meet users needs?
  • What is the role of testing and types of testing.


Jeni’s Ice Cream for the yummy treats. They are based out of Columbus, Ohio and have shops in many great places, including Atlanta.

We compiled notes from the conversation and links to resources mentioned.

Next Month

Our April meeting will be held at 1pm ET on Wednesday, April 8th (RSVP here) and you can help us pick the book we'll read by voting in this quick survey. We'll announce the selection by the end of the day Friday!